I am originally from Los Alamos, New Mexico but have spent my adult life making a home in Chicago, where I live with my wife and two children. I create, edit, and execute content. Anything from toys to toilet paper. I started my marketing career in 2003. Since then, I have been lead copywriter for hundreds of projects, executed advertising campaigns for many clients, been published in print and online, become a content strategist and account manager, and learned more digital marketing tools to help get people engaged and want to stick around for more.
I was also an Ensemble Member for 15 years at the Factory Theater in Chicago, which has showcased original works in Chicago for over 20 years. After producing two short plays in 2010, my first full-length play “The Gray Girl” was Time Out Chicago’s #1 Critic’s Pick in November 2011 and called a "must-see" show by Centerstage Chicago. My second play "Street Justice: Condition Red" (co-written with fellow Factory member Anthony Tournis) debuted to rave reviews in 2013. I served as the company's Writer's Workshop Manager from 2014-2018 and oversaw the company's YouTube channel from 2018-2020.
A few more story-worthy bits: I worked at Wrigley Field during the Chicago Cubs 2016 championship season. Yes, I got a ring.
A few more story-worthy bits: I worked at Wrigley Field during the Chicago Cubs 2016 championship season. Yes, I got a ring.
I won a Flash Fiction contest for the Mystery Writer's of America (more details here) as well as a Write Club competition in Chicago. Finally, as a parent to a child on the Autism Spectrum, I was thrilled to speak on a panel for the annual SPARK for Autism meeting in New York City.