Brand: Squigz
BRANDING COPY: Squigz are fun little suckers that offer gazoodles of wibbly-woobly fun and suction construction possibilities. These colorful suction cup shapes stick to anything with a smooth, nonporous surface (and each other) in a super strong grip. Toss 'em at a wall and watch 'em stick with a satisfying schlap. Stick 'em together and create unique suction structures. Or stands. Or holders. Or any colorful creature that pops to mind. Enjoy the tactile experience of using them and the satisfying plap sound as Squigz come loose from surfaces without leaving a mark. Infants, big kids and adults can all safely play with Squigz; they're BPA free and dishwasher safe. All parts of the brain will get a "stick" out of Squigz.